What We Do

What We Do

MediaOne is a full-service digital marketing firm headquartered in Atlanta with 14 satellite offices around the country. In summary, we’re research-based and outcome-oriented. We work directly with our client-partners to verify your strategic objectives and conversion goals. From this, keyword research and website analytics are reviewed to identify the custom audiences and strategies that will be most effective in generating the results you’re seeking. Tailored digital solutions based on your needs and weekly campaign optimization demonstrate why MediaOne has over a 90% client retention rate. What’s the bottom line? MediaOne delivers results, not just impressions.

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Programmatic Media

Programmatic is the best combination of targeting, reach, frequency, and performance to succeed in reaching your best prospects to deliver measurable results and ROI. Programmatic includes many channels such as display and native advertising, audio or video, and out-of-home. Programmatic reaches all screens, e.g. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs.

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Content Development / Activation

Combining good SEO content with an Activation Plan and a supporting video takes an online campaign to an even higher level.  We help you develop content activation strategies with relevant SEO copy that is combined with an engaging complimentary video.

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Retargeting ads are like the proverbial shadow that follows you, but it follows you on the web.  After a person visits a webpage or social media site, that person can be tagged which then allows you to follow them wherever they go on the web and continue to serve them ads for a defined period of time.  It is a top of the funnel awareness tool that is very effective in creating brand awareness and turning that awareness into a sales conversion.

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All Screens Video

Online and streaming video viewership is increasing at a rapid pace. Consumers of all ages are watching video on all screens including Smartphones, tablets, laptops, PCs, and televisions. Video ads provide an opportunity to reach your target markets and key demographics via programmatic pre-roll, Connected TV, YouTube, and more.

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Data & Analytics

Data and analytics are the key to identifying, developing, or verifying your strategic objectives and the conversion goals you hope to achieve with your digital marketing efforts. Both free and paid research provide direction to help guide your digital journey. Your website landing pages, keyword and key phrase search, contextual search, organic traffic, feeder market studies, and more can bestow great insights. MediaOne can show you how to use data and analytics to convert your prospects into actual customers.

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Reaching your desired audience with relevant ads and content is the goal. We use the power of data to effectively deliver the right message at the right time. We have proven strategies that make the whole process easy and successful. We begin by identifying the decision-making process then create effective campaigns for reaching that audience.

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Digital Out of Home

Digital Out of Home advertising takes traditional outdoor advertising to a new level. It is a marketing channel that allows businesses to display promotional media in a dynamic and digital format.  Digital billboards or LED displays are just a couple examples of  this type of advertising.  The benefit of digital outdoor ads is that you can track performance compared to traditional outdoor ads.  This gives a business more accurate metrics to determine ROI.

Email Management

Email continues to be one of the most effective marketing channels, with over 80% of industry experts including it in their overall marketing strategy. It is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers and stay top of mind. With an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, email marketing has a higher return than any other form of marketing.

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Streaming Audio

Over 60% of Americans consume online audio on a weekly basis. A streaming audio campaign can deliver your message in content such as digital radio (Spotify), podcasts, and other music-streaming services.  Compared to traditional audio, streaming ads are more efficient, more trackable and provide better targeting capabilities. Non-skippable ads are played in brand-safe environments on mobile, desktop, tablet and connected TV devices.

Strategic Brand Partnerships

Have you ever wondered how you can cost-effectively build brand awareness and increase business? A strategic partnership with a consumer goods product or service may just be the ticket.  Strategic partnerships can enhance your messaging reach and frequency; build organic website traffic; leverage your existing marketing budget; generate “opt-in” leads for your database for future outreach; and affiliate your organization or business with recognizable brands. Ask MediaOne if a strategic partnership is right for you.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content refers to creating written subject matter for the web that puts you at the top of search engines like Google and Bing.  Creating great SEO content is a science, a talent and a partnership we take very seriously.  Getting to know our clients and their business needs helps pinpoint the keywords and phrases that will return the best results.  We will help interweave those words into your website content and optimize the pages to help improve organic traffic.

Paid Social

Paid ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn can help you reach new audiences and share targeted messages with your customer base.  Paid social campaigns are designed to get more visibility, wider reach,  raise brand awareness and gather detailed market insights. These ad campaigns are often very powerful when using imagery and video that speaks to your audience directly.

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Paid Search

Paid search advertising connects an advertiser to a consumer who is actively looking online for their product or service.  It is effective, affordable, and scalable and allows your ads to show up in the search engine results pages (SERPs) of Google and Bing.  Ads are placed based on keyword selection, the words or phrases that a consumer uses as search criteria. Text ads, shopping ads and local search ads are widely used to keep businesses in front of potential customers.