All Screens Video

Video ads or commercials are one of the most effective ways to deliver a message to your target audience.  People are now watching more streaming content than ever before on Connected TV’s (CTV), mobile devices and tablets. That also means people are seeing more ads while they are streaming.

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Ads on streaming devices can be more targeted than regular TV which means it’s easier to reach an audience that is truly interested in your product.

Let’s look at some CTV and Connected Device basics.

There two components to CTV and Streaming Devices:

The Device or Hardware that delivers the content – a Smart TV, mobile device or tablet are examples.  You can also get streaming content on a regular TV that is connected to a Roku box, Amazon Fire Stick, PlayStation, Xbox, Apple TV and more.

The Streaming Service that provides the Content or Programs online (Entertainment, sports, movies, shows, music etc.) – for example Major TV & Cable Networks, YouTube, Hulu or Disney+.

Combined, the Device and Programming Service deliver ad supported video content to the consumer by streaming over the internet.

There are three ways to deliver video ads on streaming devices.

  1. Buying 15, 30, or 60 second commercials on ad supported streaming networks
  2. Uploading long or short form commercial content to YouTube
  3. Buying “Pre-roll” ads on relevant YouTube videos prior to them airing



YouTube is the most popular streaming service in the U.S. by monthly active users and can drive clicks directly to your website. Nearly 1 in 5 go to YouTube several times a day with 60% going at least once a week. YouTube provides the most flexibility and will run videos of any length, yet you only pay for views of :30 seconds or longer. Customized targeting and retargeting is available.

Connected TV (CTV)

This is the closest option to broadcast TV, but provides better targeting to reach your prospects. Video advertisers benefit from this platform because Connected TV has a nearly 100% completion rate for views. Your ads may run before, during, or after premium, long form content on Smart TVs, Hulu, Roku, Amazon, and others. Connected TV provides the most premium inventory and ads placed within this content will help to increase brand awareness and drive organic traffic to your website.

Programmatic Pre-roll

This is available on all devices, except TV and provides the most behavioral targeting options. Pre-roll ads are typically :15-:30 seconds in length and run before the clips of other videos. The average completion rates are in the 65-70% range, but advertisers only pay for completed views. Programmatic pre-roll ads will help to increase brand awareness and lift organic traffic. Pre-roll ads can be clicked, but will generate lower volume than other video channels.


All screens video is an effective tool
to communicate your message